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December News from

Young Professionals Napa Valley

2023 Networking Mixers Come to a Close

We will be taking a winter break and skipping the December mixer for the holidays. Enjoy mixing and mingling at all of this season’s holiday celebrations. We look forward to seeing you again in the new year!

Thank you for coming to our November Mixer.

We had a wonderful time seeing you!

FREE DRINK with early bird ticket purchases to our January Mixer.

Thursday, January 25th

5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

The Lincoln Napa

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and build your professional network. Enjoy drinks and appetizers while mingling with other young professionals in the area.

We want to hear from you!

What was your favorite mixer this year?


Professional Tip

As the end of 2023 quickly approaches, it can be easy to become consumed with completing projects and touching base with clients. It’s important to also prioritize your own well-being during this time. You deserve to take a break and spend the holidays with loved ones who bring positivity into your life.Take the time to unwind, tidy up your inbox, streamline your computer, sort through any miscellaneous downloads by filing them into designated 2023 folders, and reflect on your accomplishments towards your goals.


Steering Committee Highlights!

We would like to take a moment to highlight our YPNV Marketing Chair, Karlie Cowell.

Karlie Cowell serves as the Marketing Chair for Young Professionals Napa Valley. Karlie is the driving force behind the team’s incredible marketing efforts, from our monthly newsletters to our social channels. Karlie is a successful entrepreneur. She serves as the assistant to a local website design and development company, and she’s the owner of The 87 Collection where she specializes in Social Media Management, Advertising, Graphic Design, and Website Design and Development. Karlie, thank you for your unwavering dedication and mentorship. We wouldn’t nearly have as large of an impact on the Napa community if not for you and your expertise.

The Marketing Committee of Young Professionals Napa Valley has an exciting volunteer opportunity for those seeking involvement. This opportunity entails creating engaging content such as branded text forward graphics, filming and editing videos, and writing captions. For more information, kindly send us an email at We welcome all serious inquiries.

Thank You to Our Supporters

Young Professionals Napa Valley would like to extend a sincere thank you to Bloom & Bubbles at Grand Reserve at The Meritage Resort and Spa for hosting our November mixer.

Refer A Friend

Young Professionals Napa Valley is committed to helping its members succeed in their careers and in their lives. We provide a supportive and collaborative space where members can network and grow together. We offer mixer events, professional development workshops, and volunteering opportunities. We all have different backgrounds and our own unique direction, but we all feel that we can learn from one another as we navigate our respective paths both professionally and personally.


What do you want to see from YPNV?

Send us a message letting us know what you want see from Young Professinals Napa Valley in any aspect. Email us at:


“Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games.” – Babe Ruth